My Fond Memories

My Fond Memories
The picture above is of me as a baby, my dad David Richey (center), and my granddad Ben Richey (left). There is no date on back of the photo, but it had to have been 1959 because that's the year I was born! I'm lucky to have this picture. Three generations of men in one shot!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My first experience on a farm

This is a pretty funny story. I was probably about four or five years old and my dad was driving Craig and me home from Charlotte one afternoon before the Interstate 77 was built, so we were on a country road as were most all of the non-residential roads at that time.

Unfortunately, our car either ran out of gas or had some other problem, because suddenly we had to pull over. We were out in the middle of nowhere. I remember my dad taking us to the closest place he could see which was a farm. In looking for someone to ask to use their phone, we walked into a barn. Whether I asked my dad if I could explore or my dad simply relaxed his hold on my hand I don't know, but I remember being suddenly free so I excitedly ran out of the barn.

Well, my exploration did not get me very far. I got only just outside the barn door when my feet encountered something extremely slippery and I became airborne. Next thing I knew I was sitting in fresh cow manure!

All I remember next was being held by my dad while he walked along the road we had been on (evidently the farm did not have a phone or we had found no one to ask) hitchhiking with Craig in tow; I don't think Evan was with us or was not yet born. My dad later recalled that the amusing, and slightly embarrassing thing was that, since I had soiled my pants in the cow manure, and he had had no other pants to change me into, I was exposed to the world from the waist down. An interesting sight for any prospective hitchhiker!

We must have been offered a ride, made it home safely, and successfully retrieved our car because the rest of that memory for me is incomplete and now just a laughable story; hitchhiking in those days was not the danger it is today, especially in a pretty country area. But like some people can say they know what soap tastes like (I can't), I know what cow manure feels like!!


  1. Hi, Lee:

    Your childhood memories are quite interesting.

    I would like to say that I met your mother, Elaine on a tour of the North Carolina Chamber Orchestra in 1978, and that she was one of the best violinists I have ever heard. A warm human being, with a beautiful sound on her instrument, and most musical.

    Keep up the grand tradition of the music in your family!


    Kevin Cardiff

  2. Fabulous, Kevin!!

    I am deeply touched by your words and your generosity in sharing your thoughts here on this fun blog of mine. I of course share your memory of my mother's wonderful playing and dear personality. She was a very special violinist. Regrettably, my father did not live long enough to continue composing, teaching, making music with her and others, and enjoying the people he loved and who loved him. But I'm happy to have the wonderful memories of both of them that I do. I know were she still alive that she would remember you fondly and with pleasure as a colleague in the Piedmont Chamber Orchestra, and she would be most impressed with your work now. Great that you and I are carrying on the musical tradition in our respective ways, huh?!

    With gratitude and admiration,

