My Fond Memories

My Fond Memories
The picture above is of me as a baby, my dad David Richey (center), and my granddad Ben Richey (left). There is no date on back of the photo, but it had to have been 1959 because that's the year I was born! I'm lucky to have this picture. Three generations of men in one shot!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dad and mom played us our lullaby...

One of the most wonderful memories I have of my parents is when, to coax Craig and Evan and me to bed at night, they would leave the door to our bedroom open and play sonatas together in our dining room where the old Everett baby grand piano was and the matching dining room table. Both our parents were superb musicians and performers separately, but when they played together there was a special magic. I didn't fully realize it as a child, but this "bedtime music" was not just the ordinary song on the radio or the phonograph (yes, we only had the record player back then for amplified music; cassette players could not amplify sound well enough yet...but it also meant that we were more dependent on live music which is highly preferable to any musician), these were two professional and seasoned artists, and husband and wife making the music. They were our parents too of course, but we were given the treat of a live professional performance as we drifted off to sleep. How marvelous that always was!


  1. marvelous thoughts to tuck yourself in by. G'night and sweet dreams Lee.

  2. Lee:

    This is what we have to get back to as a society: live music, and music making at home. Nice remembrance, too.


  3. Thanks Michael, whoever you are!

